
Letters to Miranda

Dear Miranda,

I know it's Monday. Sorry. I was meant to be writing this yesterday, but I wrote another post, so this time I'm writing the letter on a Monday.
I thought about what to talk about, and I decided that maybe I could make reference to some quotes while telling you whatever comes to my head.
So, first of all, let me introduce you to this amazing quote:

"The problem with my life was that it was someone else's idea".
Here we go, Ari and Dante. Well, that quote made my day the day I read it, but I can't forget about it. I mean, it's so right that I want to go and print this quote so that everyone know how much I love it.
If we move on, we have another quote which I love:

"Love is like the wind, you can't see it, but you can feel it".
God. God. God. God. Yesterday I watched A Walk To Remember and I didn't know I would be that sad now that I'm thinking about it. It's a beautiful movie, but you've got to be careful because it can hurt. Not kidding.

Now, talking about that movie, let's explain why I love it so much. I think that a few photos will be enough.

I may cry. Sometimes a movie hits you like nothing has ever hit you before.
Miranda, all my letters to you make me cry.
But it's okay, I guess. It's okay sometimes to see that sadness is everywhere, even in yourself.


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